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For this article, I interviewed some friends in order to share with you some small gestures that make men melt. Be aware that these gestures won’t make a man fall in love, but they will simply convince or remind him that you are special ✨(deep down he already knows that). Some of them can be applied from the first encounter, but most are better suited for the beginning of the relationship. I tried to put them in order. Of course, you shouldn’t do everything at once, the power of a small gesture disappears if it is drowned out among 10,000 other small gestures.

Turn around when leaving

You would be surprised, but many men watch their girlfriend walk away after kissing her. Take a few steps, turn around with a smile, if you catch him at that moment, you will make him melt. We all dream, men and women, of these somewhat cinematic moments that express an intense connection, all that’s missing is the music! But in order to make these moments happen, you need to turn around 😉

Steal his clothes

It’s strange, but I interviewed several men for this video and they all confirmed that when their girlfriend stole a t-shirt or a sweater for the day, it made them feel something. Probably the fact that you’re going to carry his pheromones with you and thus ward off other males who are circling around you.

Find him a nickname

Basic but effective. You’ve probably already done it naturally in a relationship, but have you thought about it in this one? I have to add a piece of advice that comes with the nickname: there is also power in calling your man by his name. Some women stick to the nickname permanently and reserve the name to create distance. It’s a shame because it’s sort of the most pleasant word to his ears since he’s been hearing it from the mouths of the closest people since birth. Let’s imagine that you’re dating an Antoine and you give him the silly and infantilizing nickname Toinou (just for the sake of the example), well, don’t stop calling him by his name most of the time and keep the nickname for more intimate use.

Look for his hand

If you’re not used to holding hands when walking beside each other, go ahead and look for his hand. It’s not holding his hand for an hour that will be appreciated the most, but the moment your hand finds his unexpectedly.

Waking up to his favorite coffee

Small pleasures bring us deep joy. One day, my girlfriend made a small detour to drop off my favorite latte and a copy of the metro newspaper on my doorstep. I found it as I was leaving for the office, and believe me, these kinds of little gestures are miraculous. Of course, you shouldn’t do it every day, because a miracle that happens every day is no longer a miracle.

A compliment out of the blue

If it’s been a while since you’ve sent him a kind word, send him this text message: “Just wanted to let you know that I’m proud of you.” Admiration is important in a relationship, and letting him know is just as important.

Leave him a little note on his fridge

The fridge is sort of the Instagram feed of our kitchens, where we post a lot of pretty and personal things. He’s definitely going to pass by it once during the day, so post a little note on a post-it, something simple that will make him smile. You can even buy these kinds of little magnets:

A super-hot date

It’s very exciting to meet up just for sex, yet many couples hesitate to suggest it. It’s a limiting belief to think that you always have to spend the whole evening together, have dinner beforehand, etc. Ask your boyfriend if he can spare just a quick half hour at his place for a “quickie.” He’ll have you on his mind for the rest of the day.

The delayed gift

There are things that you can’t decently give as a gift but still want to share. For example, a small book or a magazine article. You can intentionally leave it at his place with a little note. In reality, it all comes down to the note, which reveals your intention.

BONUS: Showing up at his place

I hesitated to include this advice because if done incorrectly, it can be dangerous, but here it is. If you’re in a relationship or feel like you’re about to be (don’t do this if you’ve known each other for less than 8 weeks), showing up at his place can have a crazy effect. The idea is not to do it completely spontaneously; you should know that he’s at home and not doing anything special. Go with the intention of sharing a moment at his place, maybe cuddling under a blanket watching a movie of his choice (yes, you’re the one showing up, so you won’t impose your movie choice on him).

If you’re in a relationship, you surely want it to last as long as possible, right? I talk about that precisely in videos and exclusive articles within my “The man explained” Club. There are those who know the way and those who advance in the dark, so who will reach their goal?

Yann Piette

Since 2010, I have developed expertise in issues related to love life. Author, speaker, followed by over 700,000 people to whom I offer realistic advice each week (for free) that often transforms the lives of my subscribers.

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