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In this article, I will give you four techniques or exercises to feel comfortable and attract what you desire on dates, and for that, we will work on feminine energy.

Feminine energy, not to be confused with femininity

The confusion is easily made, however, there is a difference between feminine energy and femininity itself. Femininity is related to codes specific to each culture, society, and even individual! Every woman has her own definition of femininity and lives it in her own way. We often find common ground, but that does not strictly belong to feminine energy, although it can contribute to its expression. What may be considered femininity in certain countries or contexts may not be the same elsewhere and vice versa. Feminine energy, on the other hand, is universal. It is present in both men and women. It refers to your intentions, what you radiate, and even your way of thinking.

What is feminine energy compared to masculine energy?

Whether we are male or female, we have both energies within us. The prominence of each energy in our lives varies depending on our personalities, the challenges presented to us, and the situations. Different types of actions and behaviors stem from each energy. They are not diametrically opposed but rather complementary. Masculine energy is outward-oriented. It emanates from the individual and projects towards what they wish to achieve. Some traits associated with masculine energy (not masculinity or the male gender) are, for example, boldness, strength, self-assertion, power, or even competitiveness, which tap into the positive aspects of masculine energy. On the other hand, feminine energy radiates and attracts what it desires. It is more inward-oriented. Additionally, intuition, patience, calmness, harmony, and communication tap into the positive aspects of feminine energy.

How does it work?

The more you tap into one of the energies, the more you invite and develop it. Feminine energy is more attuned to what is happening internally. It is particularly connected to others, emotions, and inspiration. Therefore, in our case, to have the flow on dates, it is feminine energy that you must develop. The goal is to be able to naturally access it during dates. It is what will allow you to attract what you desire. The idea is to evoke desire in your conversation partner so that they naturally come towards you.

Become aware of your feminine energy

Feminine energy is often revitalized when spring and summer arrive. These seasons, especially with the sun, awaken our desire to open up, be light, and listen to ourselves by following our desires. It is important to respond to this call in order to maintain balance within ourselves and avoid creating frustration. I don’t think I’m the only one who feels a surge of energy during these times of the year when everything seems more natural, beautiful, and simple! We are referring to the energy we feel within ourselves at that moment. Once you have become aware of your feminine energy, the next step is to know how to awaken it on your own.

1.Recenter yourself

Feminine energy is an energy that naturally attracts with its serenity and intuitive power. To develop it and feel comfortable on dates, take time to connect with it. Allow yourself true breaks. The goal is to be at peace “within yourself.” Choose the exercise that helps you access a state of absolute calm: meditation, listening to soft music, drawing, writing, yoga, or even a relaxing bath are commonly mentioned examples. In reality, any activity that helps you focus on yourself and detach from external tasks, such as crunching numbers in Excel, can work. These activities aim to recenter your energy and calm any restlessness before your date. That’s why it’s important to give yourself a moment to unwind between a stressful day and a date. If you feel the need for a large glass of vodka to relax, it’s probably because you didn’t allow yourself enough time.

2.Treat yourself with kindness

Since feminine energy is characterized by patience and serenity, it is important to develop these qualities for yourself and for your future date! Both feminine and masculine energies have their negative tendencies, especially when it comes to self-reproach when things don’t go as desired. Beyond how we feel internally, our frustration is felt by others. Therefore, it is important to learn to let go and take care of yourself internally by being gentle with yourself.

3.Practice positive affirmations

Pay attention to the words you say to yourself, not only in your mind but also out loud. Affirm positively who you are and what you wish to see manifest. This already conditions you to be open to welcoming the moment while remaining calm! First, try to grasp the ideas or phrases that cross your mind just before a date and see if they align with the emotional state you want to achieve. If you find yourself thinking, “Am I okay?” “Will they come?” “I hope they’ll like me,” you are focusing on an external goal, which goes against radiating energy. Try replacing those thoughts with the idea that you are going to the date for yourself, because you want to relax on the cozy couch of this bar and have a meaningful conversation that will nourish your day and your being. You’re not going to give or perform; you’re going to unwind and receive.

4.Anchor your feminine energy

Now that you understand what feminine energy entails, find moments when you feel it manifest strongly within you. Anchor them in your mind and associate them with a gesture or a word. The idea is to allow yourself to connect with your feminine energy through these tools. For example, I remember a moment on vacation when I was alone in the sea, at the edge of the world, with a sunset on the horizon. I felt at peace and in total connection with my feminine energy. I imprinted that memory with a simple gesture I made while swimming. So, when I want to reconnect, I simply close my eyes to retrieve that state. Practice connecting with your feminine energy and do it before your date! You might think it’s a bit crazy, but know that high-performance athletes, stage performers, speakers, in short people who need to perform, use this technique to get into the desired emotional state.

Yann Piette

Since 2010, I have developed expertise in issues related to love life. Author, speaker, followed by over 700,000 people to whom I offer realistic advice each week (for free) that often transforms the lives of my subscribers.

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