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Book Your Private Coaching Session
With Yann (1h)

If you are looking for some in-depth work , analysis and assessment where you are listened to , advised and left with a personalised action plan and follow up. Then an exchange with Yann in our individual coaching formula will be the best suited for you.
The session is open, 100% confidential, and allows you to address any topics. For example: saving your relationship, reconnecting with your partner, guiding a date in the right direction, knowing if a man can commit to something serious and how to achieve it, overcoming a breakup and regaining your energy, breaking free from a repetitive pattern, breaking the routine, asserting yourself and gaining self-confidence, improving your relationship with men and understanding them better, rediscovering desire.


Years of experience



How does it work ? ​

Book the session
Booking is simple and just a few clicks away . Our team will contact you through email with the next slots available.

We set an appointment
The day after you book, we’ll get back to you to check your availability for the next few days. Coaching generally takes place within 7 working days of your booking, so we always try to find the next available slot.

The coaching takes place
The coaching session lasts one hour over the phone. Make sure you are on time, as it is rarely possible to overflow into the next slot. If you have to postpone the session, let us know by email (one postponement maximum).

We stay in touch
After the session, if you need clarification, advice or a little follow-up, Yann will answer a question by email about the issues discussed.

“During this hour together, I put all my skills and attention at your service and disposal to help you solve your love issue, whatever it may be.”

1 hour of remote coaching

A private work session conducted over the phone or via video using Google Meet (please specify if you prefer video before the coaching session when scheduling the appointment)

No sugarcoating
Yann provides you with a sincere and realistic opinion about your situation and what is holding you back. He will strive to give you a clear understanding and provide specific guidance on the actions to take.

Total confidentiality
No information about you or the individuals mentioned will leak from these work sessions. No information about your appointment will be disclosed to a third party.

Book your session now