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First of all, what is intuition? It’s that small voice of inner wisdom that we all have within us. It’s often defined as our sixth sense: the sense of certain vision. It’s the part of us that sees and feels things even before we become aware of them. Intuition “knows” what we need, as if it were obvious. Tapping into our intuition means looking deeply within ourselves for answers. This mode of knowledge doesn’t rely on thinking or our intellect per se. It doesn’t rely on our emotions either. Intuition is guided only by the deep knowledge we have of ourselves, beyond our desires and aspirations.

In what ways does intuition make itself heard?

Firstly, it’s important to know that our intuition is always present, although we may not always be open to hearing it! Generally, intuition can manifest in various ways. Some may experience stomach cramps, back pain, or other bodily messages. Others may simply have “guided” actions and, without knowing why, do something differently only to later realize that they did exactly what was needed at the right moment. It’s possible to feel an irresistible urge to do something, to experience a strong attraction, or, conversely, a strong rejection. Each person has their own personal alerts. Unlike our intellect, to which we pose a question, which then does its job and provides an answer, intuition gives us the answer even before we ask the question. Therefore, some messages may come through a meeting, a billboard, a phrase heard somewhere, etc. And you will feel it!

Intuition also manifests in our everyday actions, even the simplest ones. For example, you’re driving at night while talking to the person sitting next to you. A turn approaches, and you take it smoothly as if you knew it was there. However, you’ve never been on this road before. It was your intuition that guided you, but it’s not a magical power. A few hundred meters ahead, a car illuminated the road with its headlights a few seconds earlier. You didn’t consciously register it because your attention was elsewhere, but a part of your brain did indeed perceive the bend that was coming up.

Intuition particularly manifests itself when driving. When you took your first driving lesson, you had to be attentive to everything, but years later, you drive “by instinct,” and everything goes smoothly (almost always).

Can we trust our intuition?

For years, scientists were rather skeptical about this question. However, they now approve the idea that yes, we can trust our intuition! In addition to the five known and exploited senses of our body, intuition belongs to that part of ourselves to which we don’t yet have complete access. It absorbs a lot of information that is directly related to who we are deep inside. Since this information is not analyzed by the brain, it can sometimes be difficult for us to rationalize the decisions made by intuition. However, intuition cannot be wrong because it knows you better than anyone else!

Intuition doesn’t respond to desire or fear

If we make a mistake by listening to our intuition, it’s simply because we didn’t really listen to it. It wasn’t intuition speaking, but rather desire or fear! We may tend to mistake our wishes for realities and try to justify our actions with intuition. But it doesn’t work that way! Once again, since intuition corresponds to what we truly need, it distinguishes itself from what we want, what we lack, and what scares us, but which we still need!

Go and meet your intuition!

Accessing your intuition means reconnecting with your deep sensations and strengthening self-confidence to learn to listen to yourself. The best advice would be to be as attentive as possible to your feelings.

As mentioned earlier, intuition manifests itself through our body. Pay attention to your physical reactions to learn how to interpret them. Additionally, meditation is a known method for getting closer to your intuition. It allows you to find inner calm and better hear what’s happening inside you.

Personally, despite my many attempts, meditation is not currently for me. Therefore, I don’t hesitate to use other methods to stay connected to my intuition. The key is to create a sense of calm around you and within you to be as close as possible to what’s happening. Music, especially singing, is one of the best ways for me to unleash my intuition. I often feel guided towards specific songs that reveal a lot about what’s going on inside me and the path to follow!

When I sing, I allow myself to stop thinking with my intellect and instead let my thoughts wander. My insights often emerge during those moments.

Sports are also a useful way to recenter yourself. Many recommend yoga, which is great for finding inner calm! As for me, I enjoy running alone to clear my mind and reconnect with myself.

Lastly, writing is a good way to perceive what’s happening within us. Don’t hesitate to keep a journal where you can let your pen freely express whatever comes to mind.

Give your intuition a chance!

Intuition can be cultivated: the more you rely on it, the more it will speak to you. Above all, when it manifests, keep an open mind about what comes to you. Don’t judge and gradually learn to follow it. This valuable tool will strengthen your self-confidence and set you on the right path if you give it a chance!


Yann Piette

Since 2010, I have developed expertise in issues related to love life. Author, speaker, followed by over 700,000 people to whom I offer realistic advice each week (for free) that often transforms the lives of my subscribers.

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