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The dates follow each other and are similar, but they shouldn’t. Well, they should follow each other, but not be alike.

What is the number one enemy of love life? Routine. Above all, we expect life to surprise us. The best way to do that is to break away from the typical and expected “dates” like cocktail bars or restaurants and create experiences that will leave both of you with a true memory. When I think of the dates that have had the most impact on my life, I immediately think of the women who have left the biggest impression, as often the two go hand in hand.

Of course, traditional dates can provide great moments… when you’re in the company of an interesting, funny, and attentive man. But you have everything to gain by bringing variety, starting with surprising yourself by taking risks, showing different facets of your personality, and inviting a man into your world.

In this article, I will give you various ideas drawn from my experience and those of the men I date, which you can easily be inspired by.

Start your day with him

If you’re single and meeting people on dating apps, it’s likely that for a first meeting, you’ll opt for a caramel macchiato in the afternoon or a drink after work. However, there’s a moment that we often overlook, and that’s breakfast. Grab a coffee and a croissant with him in a rush just before heading to work. It’s different, it’s short (about half an hour), and above all, it has a very intimate connotation (sharing breakfast with a man often implies a level of intimacy).

Take to the skies

Behind this cheesy pun, and if we avoid rides that make you really sick or things intended for kids under 8, the amusement park is a fantastic setting for a date. You’ll have the opportunity to show him what you’re capable of with a rifle in your hands, which will likely discourage him from playing any tricks on you.

Hit the road

That feeling of being in a movie when you’re behind the wheel, in complete control, with the perfect music… Why not share it?

You’ll need a car, a man, and a not-too-far place to go (a forest, a breathtaking view, a thrift store). Whether you or he is driving doesn’t matter, and in the end, the destination is just a pretext; it’s the journey that counts. It’s an opportunity to discover each other’s musical tastes and have a more intimate moment than in a crowded café.

Get him involved in a cause

If there’s a cause that you care about and support, whether it’s ecology, animal welfare, helping the homeless, invite him to participate in a concrete action. It will allow you to show a facet of your personality that he wouldn’t suspect over a Moscow Mule. The experience itself is much more interesting than just talking about it and creates a deeper connection. It also shows a facet of your personality that he is likely to admire, even if he doesn’t fully grasp it. Besides, we often admire what we are not ourselves.

Sing off-key

Here’s a date that requires stepping out of your comfort zone but is hilarious and will bring you closer than ever: karaoke. Reserve a small private room, of course, I’m not talking about public humiliation. You might say that you don’t sing well, and well, that’s exactly what we’re looking for. In fact, you might even avoid this activity if you’re a professional singer because it shouldn’t create competition but rather bring you closer.

Play with or against him

The average adult doesn’t have enough fun, so no matter what game you choose, it’s always a good idea. It will prevent you from being seen as the woman he’s going to “settle down” with. Games are exciting, challenging, and you can make a bet in case of victory or defeat. Take him bowling, to play pool, to an arcade to play Mario Kart or a fighting game, or even to a casino, although you should avoid gambling your entire salary. That being said, it’s an excellent way to find out if he has gambling addiction issues.

Hide and seek

Send him a meeting place via message, a public place that is neither too big nor too small. Once he’s in position, at the exact place you designated, you’ll send him the following message: “Now, find me. I’m less than 50m away from you.” If you’re already intimate enough, you can add the following sentence, “If you find me within XX minutes, I’ll…”

I promise you that no one before you has ever offered him this kind of date.

The importance of dates

Keep in mind that the dynamics of dates are crucial in a relationship. Often, we notice that love lives go through these stages: 1) Conquest 2) Creating the couple (with all the social aspects) 3) Settling down, which corresponds to that phase after several months where you don’t go out as much anymore, and you stop discovering new things. Instead of focusing your energy on the relationship, you turn it outward again. The relationship is no longer creative. To avoid ending up in this phase, you need to be attentive because human beings, both men and women, love a certain thing called comfort. However, comfort can be destructive to your relationship.

I hope these date ideas will help you take risks. In fact, the real risk would be not taking any.  It’s all about embracing the irresistible woman within you, whether it’s in attitude, how to behave with a man, or how to communicate with him. Joining us means immediately starting a self-improvement journey that may take you far, far away from being the nice woman who just endures her love life.

Yann Piette

Since 2010, I have developed expertise in issues related to love life. Author, speaker, followed by over 700,000 people to whom I offer realistic advice each week (for free) that often transforms the lives of my subscribers.

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