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There is a question that often comes up in meetings. Whether it’s in messages or in a date, it’s :

“What are you looking for?”

This question has already made more than one person sweat, and rightly so. Revealing your cards and saying that you want something serious even before you’ve kissed turns the seduction game into a deal and may make you look like a slightly desperate girl, ready to give the job to the first person who comes along.

Ideally, you are looking for something serious, but until you have experienced several dates with this boy, you do not know if he really suits you. Ideally, we want him to ask to be part of our life and not the other way around.

Here are some offbeat ways to answer this question that will keep you in the game or make him see you as a conquest object:

– Why? Are you already in love with me? 😉
We are in pure teasing, useful to stay in the game if you feel that the question comes too early.


– I want to get married and have 16 children, are you down?
To test his second degree.


– I’m looking for a man who doesn’t commentate while we watch a series.
Instead of showing your game, you answer in a light way.


– I’m looking for a man who likes olives (yes because I don’t eat olives on my pizza).
Same but Italian version.


– Let’s start with meeting and see where it takes us 😌
Or how not to answer and stay mysterious.

– I’m looking for a man who knows how to find cheap plane tickets.
Always humorous but at the same time you show that you need a man by your side (which is more appreciated than a “I don’t need anyone”).


– I’m looking for a man who acts more than he speaks.
A way to show that for you actions are more important than words.


– I’m looking for an independent man, honest and who knows how to make pancakes.
Take the opportunity to show that you know what you are looking for by giving two personality traits / values and then adding a touch of humor (which can allow him to rebound skillfully).


When you answer with humor, nothing prevents you from continuing on a more lucid tone once he has finished rolling on the ground by saying, “More seriously, I don’t really know how to answer this question about the meeting. I need to get to know a person to know if I feel like going further “. Which is interesting because rather than taking a request by announcing that you are looking for a serious relationship, you stay in the more favorable position of the one who knows what she wants. And who chooses her man, in this way he always feels challenged.

You must be able to juggle two ideas at the same time.

Yes, I am looking for a reliable person to have a meeting and a lasting relationship. And at the same time I’m not going to get excited and fall in love with the first one who comes.

Without answering “seriously”, if you have a criterion that is very important for you, it is the opportunity to talk about it. At least he will know what it is. You will show that you know what you need. Remember, a woman who knows which way she is going has more chance of making a man want to be part of her life. When we get on a train, we like to know where it’s going.

Yann Piette

Since 2010, I have developed expertise in issues related to love life. Author, speaker, followed by over 700,000 people to whom I offer realistic advice each week (for free) that often transforms the lives of my subscribers.

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